Saturday, July 2, 2011

Worship Committee Input Session Summary

The Worship Committee held its constituency input session on Monday, June 27.  The committee's purpose is to create a system of opportunty for people to use their individual gifts so that the worshipping community can encounter GOD!!
The group identified numerous factors that contribute to the quality of worship, some of which included planning and preparation, good preaching, great music, decoration, variety, lay participation, a consistent message that all are welcome and meaningful moments of ritual.

Ideas for improvement of what is currently being done centered around (1) offering more opportunities for expression of people's creativity in planning and leading worship; (2) exploring non-Sunday worship options to expand outreach; (3) experiment with a variety of different worship forms and times to see which ones generate sustained commitment; (4) include explanatory notes in worship bulletin to help us better understand the meaning of worship elements.

Discusison on important opportunities to consider focused on imagining ideas about how to create more opportunities for lay involvement in creative planning and conducting of worship.  The committee recognized that a significant amount of their work has been directed toward managing the details of worship services and wants to explore the possibility of re-organizing how it functions in order to expand the lay role in generating creative input and content for worship experiences.

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