Saturday, July 2, 2011

Faith Formation Constituency Input Summary

Approximately 20 people gathered on June 29 to contribute their feedback and ideas about Faith Formation at Trinity/Pointe of Grace.

The Faith Formation purpose is to make space for all ages to discover and assumetheir unique roles in partnership with God.

The group enjoyed sharing stories of how they witnessed youth prepared to provide faith-grounded leadership in crisis situations, how children and youth feel safe and welcomed in their programs, how a young person remains steadfast in the face of challenges to his faith, and how differing ideas were respectfully shared in adult Bible Studies.  These stories revealed the importance of relationships, safe space, involvement of all ages, listening to and respecting each other and being equipped in faith as contributors to our Faith Formation ministries.

Many ideas for improvement were generated.  Some of the most emphasized ideas included (1) Increasing opportunities for study and learning by all ages; (2) increasing the amount of adult involvement with children in youth, since direct relationship is so important; (3) more church-wide social activities; (4) non-traditional worship and learning opportunities; and (5) consistent learning themes througout various church programs. 

An equally wide array of thoughts emerged about new opportunities that might be pursued.  Some of them included (1) A strong leadership/mentoring training program to help people live into their God-given call; (2) Student-led worship; (3) Continued involvment in Jeremiah Center ministry; and (4) More service opportunities for all ages.

Looking at the challenge of overtaxed and insufficient staff and volunteers, the group suggested having a volunteer coordinator that would help people find where they fit, setting acheivable priorities and making sure that everyone knows what is currently available.  Recognizing that families are overwhelmed and often over-booked, the group suggested modeling making "space" as an effort to be intentionally counter-cultural.  They also talked about the changing expectations in the church culture from the idea of staff doing everything to lay people taking more and more responsibility.  They suggested it is important to recognize and affirm one another in this process, keep conversations and relationships going, continue to raise awareness of this shift, and provide eduction and experience of the new things we are stepping into.

Discussion wrapped up with the group celebrating the great foundation that has been laid and recognizing that we are looking to grow and build on that foundation.

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