Monday, December 30, 2013

Last chance to give a tax deductible gift in 2013

Two options for a last minute donation to Trinity-Lynnwood/Pointe of Grace.
  1. Go online to Trinity's secure donation page and make a donation by electronic fund transfer from your bank account or use your debit or credit card before 9:00 pm PST Tuesday December 31..
  2. Write a check and drop it off at the church office between 10:00 am and 12:00 noon on December 31.
Your help is still needed to support the many ministries here.

Pick up your 2014 Offering Envelopes in the church narthex.  Over half of the 470 envelopes have been picked up. Save us postage and pick yours up soon.

DON'T USE YOUR 2013 ENVELOPES!!!!!  Those numbers are no longer valid and if used your contribution will be credited to someone else.

Year end contribution statements will be sent out in early January 2014.

Thank you for your support and your service to Trinity-Lynnwood/Pointe of Grace.  The generous giving of each each person is vital to the mission and ministry that we share. 

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