The group reviewed the Trinity/Pointe of Grace identity statement and the purpose of Mustard Seed/Life Group Ministry: to provide an organic, life-giving process for engaging people, who share a common interest, in relational gatherings, including opportunity for nurturing relationship with God, mentoring one another, and making a positive difference in the community.
Individuals shared stories that they believed reflected positive experience of fulfilling this purpose. The Harmony group was surprised to receive enthusiastic cheers as they marched in the Gay Pride Parade and discovered that was inspired by the uncommon message of acceptance communicated by a religious body. Members of the Journey Group shared the practice of journaling with Fort Lewis families with loved ones deployed overseas to help both the ones deployed and the ones at home process and share their feelings during the period of separation. Living Water representatives heard of others encouraged by their connecting theory and practice in words and deeds of the church.
Based on shared accounts of positive experiences of Life Groups, the group identified a number of factors that contribute to the current level of ministry sucess. Some of these include:
- The power of allowing groups to form around individual passions
- Flexibility and willingness to allow groups to change with circumstances
- Relationship building
A number of possible improvements to enhance Life Group Ministry were identified. Some of the priority improvements included:
- Develop better ways of communicating with the community about the opportunities available in Life Groups
- Reach outside of the congregation to include and cooperate with other groups and individuals
- Deepening the experience of sharing learning at Huddles (leader meetings) to increase leadership skills and to enable leaders to refer people to groups that might interest them.
The group named some challenges that might be faced as they move forward and tried to generate possible solutions. Some of these included:
- Challenge: Limited Resource Solution: Consider applying for grants, share resources, develop co-ops
- Challenge: Rejuvenating groups Solution: Give personal invitations to others, share stories of what Life Groups are doing to make a difference in the world, listen to others’ interests and refer them to groups they might connect with
- Challenge: Personality clashes in groups Solution: Provide education and/or coaching
- Challenge: Communication Solution: Utilize multiple avenues for different audiences, remember not everyone is present in worship or receives What’s Happening
Some of the insights gleaned from the session were
- We can still learn more about being in community with people who are different from us
- There is not yet a “whole” structure that contains/links the multiple life groups
- We can learn to respect diverse opinions
- If we pay attention to our experience, we can see more of what is being accomplished
- We are all part of the body of Christ—with different expressions
All of the information gathered at this session will be included in the action planning process for future Mustard Seed/Life Group ministries.
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