Friday, April 8, 2011

Stories of Making Space--Pointe of Grace Garden Stewards and Trinity Creation Stewards

Mustard Seed Groups, Creation Stewards and Pointe of Grace Garden  Stewards are sponsoring Creation Care Day, Sunday, April 10.  Last week, they highlighted the ways which they have discovered to participate with God in manifesting the dream of healthy and restored creation.  Activities such as recycling, reusing plastic bags, native growth restoration, community garden and the annual Creation Care Day have provided opportunities for building connections with others while caring for the environment.  View the complete presentation here.

These two groups are demonstrating the core idenitity/purpose of Trinity/Pointe of Grace:
We manifest God’s dream
as a community that makes space for people
--to recognize what God is doing to meet the deep needs of the world
--to discover and assume their unique roles in partnership with God.

If you would like to post your story of how you have noticed how God might desire to change the world, imagined a way to use your gifts to cooperate with God so that God's dream of increased love, compassion and justice in the world is made more visible, please post it here!

To add your story, click on the  (#) comments link below and the page will open where you can read stories and add your own.

1 comment:

  1. Child Development Center, Pastoral Care, Common Threads Team to Make a Difference

    A parent at the Child Development Center faced serious surgery. The CDC Director asked if she would like to be included on the Trinity/Pointe of Grace prayer list and she gladly agreed. Someone from the Pastoral Care team was soon in contact. Pastoral Care personnel maintained contact through complications and long recovery and asked the CDC Director to give the woman a prayer shawl. When she received it she said she would return it when she was better. When she learned that it was a gift and hers to keep she was visibly moved and commented, "someone made that by hand for me and they don’t even know me".
